Data Warehousing and Data Mining

The Online Lecture and Discussion Blog for Data Warehousing and Data Mining course.

Friday, February 09, 2007

How is Smoothing by Bin Medians?

Dear all,

Can anyone shed some light on how Smoothing by Bin Medians is performed?




Blogger sunthari said...

Hi all,

I would like to share my answer for Question 5 “Smoothing by bin means” in our the midterm question.

Step 1:
First of all, the data must be in order(ascending).
Question: smoothing by bin means with a bin depth of 3.

Step 2:
Divide the list of numbers into 3 entries each time into a bin starting from the first number.
26/3= 9 bins, Note: the last bin, you will have only 2 numbers left.

Step 3:

Step 4:
Find the mean value for the data in each bin
Mean = sum/number of entries in bin

Step 5:
Bin 1: 13,15,16
Mean = 13+15+16/3 = 14.666, rounded to 15

Bin 2: 16,19,20
Mean = 16+19+20/3 = 18.333, rounded to 18

Bin 3: 20,21,22
Mean = 20+21+22/3 = 21

Bin 4: 22,25,25
Mean = 22+25+25/3 = 24

Bin 5: 25,25,30
Mean = 25+25+30/3 = 26.666, rounded to 27

Bin 6: 33,33,35
Mean = 33+33+35/3 = 33.666, rounded to 34

Bin 7: 35,35,35
Mean = 35+35+35/3 = 35

Bin 8: 36,40,45
Mean = 36+40+45/3 =40.333, rounded to 40

Bin 9: 52,70
Mean = 52+70/2 =61

Step 6:
Just replace all value in each bin with the mean value calculated for each bin in Step 5.
Results after smoothing by means.

Bin 1:{15,15,15}
Bin 2:{18,18,18}
Bin 3:{21,21,21}
Bin 4:{24,24,24}
Bin 5:{27,27,27}
Bin 6:{34,34,34}
Bin 7:{35,35,35}
Bin 8:{40,40,40}
Bin 9:{51,51}

That's all.
Good luck to all of you!


8:43 PM, April 20, 2007  
Blogger sunthari said...

Hi all,

Sorry earlier post,message was truncated.

I would like to share my answer for Question 5 “Smoothing by bin means” in our the midterm question.

Step 1:
First of all, the data must be in order(ascending).
Question: smoothing by bin means with a bin depth of 3.

Step 2:
Divide the list of numbers into 3 entries each time into a bin starting from the first number.
26/3= 9 bins, Note: the last bin, you will have only 2 numbers left.

Step 3:

Step 4:
Find the mean value for the data in each bin
Mean = sum/number of entries in bin

Step 5:
Bin 1: 13,15,16
Mean = 13+15+16/3 = 14.666, rounded to 15

Bin 2: 16,19,20
Mean = 16+19+20/3 = 18.333, rounded to 18

Bin 3: 20,21,22
Mean = 20+21+22/3 = 21

Bin 4: 22,25,25
Mean = 22+25+25/3 = 24

Bin 5: 25,25,30
Mean = 25+25+30/3 = 26.666, rounded to 27

Bin 6: 33,33,35
Mean = 33+33+35/3 = 33.666, rounded to 34

Bin 7: 35,35,35
Mean = 35+35+35/3 = 35

Bin 8: 36,40,45
Mean = 36+40+45/3 =40.333, rounded to 40

Bin 9: 52,70
Mean = 52+70/2 =61

Step 6:
Just replace all value in each bin with the mean value calculated for each bin in Step 5.
Results after smoothing by means.

Bin 1:{15,15,15}
Bin 2:{18,18,18}
Bin 3:{21,21,21}
Bin 4:{24,24,24}
Bin 5:{27,27,27}
Bin 6:{34,34,34}
Bin 7:{35,35,35}
Bin 8:{40,40,40}
Bin 9:{51,51}

That's all.
Good luck to all of you!


8:46 PM, April 20, 2007  

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